IFT 2024

Join us at IFT 2024 in Chicago next week, July 14-17. Presented by the Institute of Food Technologists, this event brings together scientific and industry leaders from across the global food value chain to discuss scientific solutions to transform the industry.

Ben Weaver, Solecta’s Market Segment Leader for Food Ingredients, will be joining a panel on Tuesday, July 16th, titled “What Technologies Are Positively Impacting the Global Water Supply” that will focus on innovations in the food manufacturing sector that are driving improvements in food quality, food safety, and reducing the overall environmental footprint.

Discover what Solecta and its separation solutions are achieving in the improved purification and recovery of valuable materials from waste streams, reduction and reuse of water, and overall enhancements in process economics.

As the world continues to grapple with water scarcity, energy constraints and a growing global population, this forum promises to be a pivotal discussion at the intersection of food, water and climate.

Details about IFT can be found here.




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