Analytical Services
Make sure you understand the nature of the problem to enable and validate a data-driven solution.We help solve your biggest challenges through our extensive analytical capabilities. We work with you and our partners to find the answers that positively impact people, our planet and your profit. In that order.
Achieve Remarkable Returns.
What if there’s a way to solve your challenges related to…
Operating Efficiencies
Peace of Mind
Membrane Autopsy…
When a large dairy was struggling to meet market demand due to inconsistent membrane performance, they asked Solecta for help. The competitor’s membrane and cleaning processes were failing to achieve quality and yield targets, threatening a plant shutdown.
…Unlocked $395,000 in Savings
As part of a comprehensive audit of the facility, Solecta mapped out key processes, modeled operational scenarios and collected elements and other samples for laboratory analysis. An autopsy of membranes uncovered localized fouling, which led to deposit analysis and leak determination from dye testing. The analytical data helped diagnose the root cause of the issue and identify changes to the cleaning and changeout protocols that delivered quality and consistency improvements of over $395,000.
Analytical Capabilities
We don’t just deliver a product. Here are a few ways we offer clients solutions and support.
Mean Pore Distribution Testing
Membrane Development
Element Evaluation System
Aqueous & Solid Sample Analysis
Microbial Analysis
Application Testing & Feasibility Studies
Membrane Surface Topography & 3D Analysis
Process Stream Characterization & Modeling
Proprietary Flat Cell Test System
Foulant Analysis
Contact Angle Analysis
Comprehensive Membrane Testing & Analysis
Membrane Autopsies
Assess The Potential To Improve Your Process Economics
Explore the Possibilities
Our team of application engineers and domain experts understands your industry’s unique challenges. (They’re also eager to solve them.)